Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Beginner-To-Advanced 8-Week HIIT Program

The Beginner-To-Advanced 8-Week HIIT Program

The following program can take you from HIIT beginner to HIIT stud in 8 short weeks.

  • It starts with a work:rest ratio of 1:4 in Phase 1 for a total workout time of just under 15 minutes.
  • Phase 2 bumps up the amount of time in the "work" phase, bringing the ratio up to 1:2 and the total workout time to 17 minutes.
  • In Phase 3, the rest ratio is cut in half, bringing the ratio up to 1:1. The total workout time increases to 18.5 minutes.
  • Finally, in Phase 4, the rest ratio is cut in half again, raising the ratio to 2:1 and the total time at 20 minutes. This will put you in the advanced ranks for HIIT.

The suggested time of each phase is just that—suggested. If you need to spend more than two weeks at a particular phase before moving up, go for it. Ditto if a phase seems too easy and you want to jump right up to the next phase.

You can do these workouts using tools, such as a jump rope, or simply doing jumping jacks, or sprinting, or working on a
stationary cycle. Use your imagination. Just follow the work-to-rest intervals as indicated.

Phase 1 (1:4): Weeks 1-2

15 secondsHigh-Intensity Exercise
60 secondsRest or Low-Intensity Exercise

Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 15-second high-intensity blast.

Total time: 14 minutes

Get A Printable Log Of Phase 1 (1:4): Weeks 1-2.
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Phase 2 (1:2): Weeks 3-4

30 secondsHigh-Intensity Exercise
60 secondsRest or Low-Intensity Exercise

Repeat another 10 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast.

Total time: 17 minutes

Get A Printable Log Of Phase 2 (1:2): Weeks 3-4.
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Phase 3 (1:1): Weeks 5-6

30 secondsHigh-Intensity Exercise
30 secondsRest or Low-Intensity Exercise

Repeat another 11 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast.

Total time: 18.5 minutes

Get A Printable Log Of Phase 3 (1:1): Weeks 5-6.
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Phase 4 (2:1): Week 7-8

30 secondsHigh-Intensity Exercise
15 secondsRest or Low-Intensity Exercise

Repeat another 25 times, followed by a final 30-second high-intensity blast.

Total time: 20 minutes

Get A Printable Log Of Phase 4 (2:1): Week 7-8.


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